“OPEN: new designs for public space includes projects from six continents that are changing the way we live, work, and play in cities. In the past few years, city dwellers around the world have faced often-terrible challenges to using, much less designing and building public spaces. At the same time, recent history has also underscored how much public space is still valued and vital, from memorials, to protests, to the everyday pleasure of eating lunch in the park. This is as true in Johannesburg as it is in Lower Manhattan: the world is full of sites where memory, commerce, arts, recreation, and transit all command a new investment of time, energy and resources to build and rebuild a shared public realm. The design of public space, in this city and internationally, will only move forward with an open-minded understanding of how this investment is evolving. The OPEN exhibit looks at projects that are recently completed, under construction, or in development, across a spectrum of sponsors, functions, and scales.”
Raymond W. Gastil, Exhibition Director
Zoё Ryan, Exhibition Curator
Excerpt taken from the exhibition’s Catalogue
For more information see http://www.vanalen.org/exhibits/PublicSpace/PubSpaceMain.htm
Alameda El Porvenir, Bogota, Colombia
MGP architecture and urbanism

Favela Bairro Project, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jáuregui Architects

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