International Competition "Galapagos - 0 Latitude: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture"

[ Competitions :: International Competition "Galapagos - 0 Latitude: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture" ]

The XV Quito Pan-American Architecture Biennale invites you to participate in the International Competition “Galapagos – 0 Latitude: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture.” Its purpose is to lend visibility to human settlement issues on the Galapagos Islands and provide a place to reflect on alternatives for future sustainable cities.

Franja 0 - o Latitude (English)

Brief Chronology - Human Settlements in the Galapagos Islands

Bibliografia Recomendada.recommended Bibliography

Competition Components

Proposal for sustainable urban interventions (built and natural surroundings), aimed at transforming existing conditions into an “achievable utopia.”

A habitable prototype that is sensitive to its fragile natural context, with appropriate construction technologies and systems.

Contestants may choose to participate in one or both components with separate entries. Both components have professional and student categories. We recommend forming multi-disciplinary teams (architects, ecologists, engineers, urban planners, biologists, sociologists, etc.) to ensure that proposals contemplate the broadest possible array of viewpoints.

Participant Categories

Urban and Landscape Design
Architectural Design

Urban and Landscape Design
Architectural Design

Requirements to Participate

Architects, urban and landscape designers; as well as students of architecture, landscape and urban design, are welcome to participate in Galapagos – 0 Latitude: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture.

Jury Professionals:
Marcela Blacio, Ecuador
Humberto Eliash, Chile
Juan Herreros, Spain
Richard Plunz, USA
Michael Sorkin, USA

Jury Students:
Mojdeh Baratloo, Iran
Marcela Blacio, Ecuador
Yung Ho Chang, China
Zoё Ryan, Great Britain

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