Within the framework of the XV Quito Architecture Biennale and in collaboration with the British Embassy in Ecuador, nine workshops for children were undertaken in 3 neighborhoods of Quito. Each workshop was directed by an artist, an architecture student, a public school teacher and a community leader. Groups of 30 to 40 children worked in unison within this environmental education program. Students, teachers and parents learned to sort and recycle garbage, and to re-use it in models and drawings of future urban utopias. Last but not least, each child planted a tree that is meant to be monitored until it becomes a stable presence in the city.
Through this program we expect to raise environmental awareness, contribute to make the city of Quito greener and reduce waste.
The results of the workshops were exhibited in YAKU, the Museo del Agua (Museum for Water), between the 13th and 30th of November, 2006.

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